Attenuation map generated in MATLAB

Hi CASToR users,

I am working on the GATE simulation of phantom and planning to reconstruct an image using the CASToR reconstruction. I also have PET/CT scan of phantom and do have DICOM files. I have generated an attenuation map of the phantom using DICOM images in MATLAB. Then I saved the linear attenuation coefficients (cm^-1) matrix in Matlab binary data file. Now, I am planning to fed this data in CASToR reconstruction along with the GATE output.

I am contacting to know whether this Matlab binary data file format works for the image reconstruction process? Or, do I have to convert it in interfile file format to make it work? Any thoughts on it would be very helpful.

Thank you.



I have CT raw data, I tried to input the CT raw data as attenuation image, it works but the recon image looks weird. Then check the castor-recon -help-in, I realize I have to give an attenuation image, but I have no idea to generate it from CT raw data.
Did you get the right recon image? Look forward to your reply : )


The CT HU can be easily converted to linear attenuation coefficients for PET with a combination of linear functions depending on the CT system. You can find multiple suggestions in the literature, e.g: PET attenuation coefficients from CT images: experimental evaluation of the transformation of CT into PET 511-keV attenuation coefficients | SpringerLink .

Hope this helps,


Thanks for your reply! This paper helps! Thanks! :smile:
