IEEE NSS/MIC 2019 CASToR User's Meeting in Manchester

Dear CASToR Users,

On behalf of the CASToR project developers, I am pleased to announce that the first IEEE NSS/MIC 2019 CASToR User’s Meeting will be held on Wednesday the 30th of October between 12:10 and 13:30.

The aim of this meeting is to:

  1. briefly present the current and future CASToR platform developments ,and

  2. provide interested users the opportunity to present their developments using CASToR.

Given the time available we plan to select 3 talks (10’ + 5’ for questions for each of the selected presentations).

All those who feel a specific development could be of interest to the CASToR User-Community are encouraged to send a short abstract on their presentation to:

Dimitris Visvikis ( by the 20th of September at the latest.

A lunch box will be provided. There is limited space and therefore the requests will be processed on a first come, first served basis. So please send an email to Dimitris Visvikis ( in order to register for the event.

Kind regards,

Thibaut Merlin

Dear CASToR Users,

Please find below some additional information regarding the IEEE NSS/MIC 2019 CASToR User’s Meeting:

  • Day : Wednesday, Oct. 30

  • Room: Exchange 2&3.

  • Scheduled: 12h10 - 13:30

  • Lunch box provided

We are still looking for presentations, so if you think your work could be of interest to the CASToR User-Community, please send a short abstract (less than 2000 characters (including blanks, excluding headline authors, affiliations and keywords) ) outlining your work to:

Dimitris Visvikis ( by the 20th of September at the latest.

We are looking forward to meet you there!

Best regards,
Thibaut Merlin

Dear CASToR Users,

The deadline for the abstract submission has been extended to the 5th of October.

If you do not plan to present an abstract, but still wish to attend the meeting, do not forget to send an email to Dimitris Visvikis ( in order to register for the event.

We are looking forward to meet you there!

Best regards,
Thibaut Merlin