Dear all,
The LaTIM (INSERM UMR 1101) offers a 3-year PhD position in the field of artificial intelligence for 3γ PET image reconstruction in Brest, France.
Closing date is May 10th, 2021. The project will start on September, 2021.
Details are given in the attachment.
Thibaut Merlin
Recon_3g_PET.pdf (215 KB)
Dear all,
A PhD position in dual-tracer tomographic reconstruction in PET is available in Nantes (together with Brest). This position is funded by the Labex IRON2 and Région Pays de la Loire. The start date should be no latter than october/november 2021.
You can apply by contacting directly the different persons mentioned in the attached document.
Best regards,
thesis_proposal_nantes2021.pdf (304 KB)