Question about data converter for aquisition data from Siemens mMR

Hi all,

I got some rawdata from Siemens mMR, but I didn’t find data converter to transform them to the CASToR data file format. Is there some data converter code I didn’t find? Or this tool is not ready?

Best wishes!


Take a look at section 9 of CASToR’s documentation. The section 9.1 provides a link to “Several executables able to convert manufacturer’s datasets to a CASToR datafile”. If it does not have the one you want, you will need to code the conversion tool. The section “castor-datafileConversionEx” gives an idea on how to start on that part.

Maxime Toussaint


As Maxime said there are several converters available for a small number of systems, that you can find here: . If your system isn’t here, you would have to make the converter yourself.

However there is a mMR converter in development which is not validated yet (conversion of list-mode data in particular still requires some testing). I could send the binary to you if you wish. However, as the other Siemens to CASToR converter tools, it relies on interfile datasets generated with e7tools from the raw data. So the raw data from the scanner cannot be used directly with this converter, you must have a developmental software agreement with Siemens to get access to the e7tools and be able to convert raw data from mMR, then use the converters along with CASToR.
