Dear Castor users,
I am trying to use Castor for the SPECT/CT reconstruction.
I performed GATE simulation to generate a root file with my own voxelized phantom and activity.
I have two questions about using Castor with the root file generated from GATE.
Q1. Before I start Castor, I need to make sure about -conv option.
As far as I know is, psf kernel size is dependent on the position of source (distance between source and detector).
However, in Castor, psf is defined as a constant value with -conv option.
Does Castor ignore the distance dependency of psf? or Is there a way Castor works about psf consideration that I don’t understand?
Q2. As I mentioned above, I am trying to reconstruct an image with root simulation data from GATE.
First, I generated .geom file with the below command:
castor-GATEMacToGem -m my_gate.mac -o SPECT_CASTOR_BENCHMARK
What I modify the my_geom.geom is voxels number transaxial/axial because the value was different than I intended.
Then, I generated cdh/cdf file with below command:
castor-GATERootToCastor -i root.root -o output -m my_gate.mac -s SPECT_CASTOR_BENCHMARK
Actually, I added the “-atn mumap.img” to perform attenuation correction and I got “Estimation of acf from an attenuation image (-atn option) only available for PET systems ! (detected system is SPECT).”
So I exclude -atn option when generating cdf file.
Finally, what I tried to perform reconstruction with attenuation correction was castor-recon execution with the below command:
castor-recon -df output_df.Cdh -opti MLEM -it 5:8 -proj incrementalSiddon -conv gaussin 4,4,3::psf -dim 128,128,128 -vox 3.87,3.87,3.87 -dout test -atn mumap.hdr
but I got an error message as below
Is there anything wrong with my execution?
Could anybody explain how I can perform attenuation correction?
Thank you.
ps. I checked that CT4re_mu2.hdr for attenuation correction was fine .