Hi, Dear Castor users,
i met a confusion about CASTOR results.
i created two GATE simulations, with phantom and several different radioactive sources, the difference is the material of phantom , one is air (little attenuation and scatter) and the other one is water, (as described in attachment .mac files ). I chose TRUE events both from these two simulations separately, but what was surprised after CASToR recon was that, only the air phantom recon image was right , and the water phantom’s was so strange. i checked the true events, and did not find anything weird, so i did not know the reason , is there something wrong?
myIEC_air.mac (12.6 KB)
myIEC_water.mac (12.6 KB)
run_castor_recon_unix.sh (6.46 KB)
run_GATERootToCastor.sh (634 Bytes)
Would you have an image of what is right and what is strange, or a description ?
Otherwise, it will be difficult to find some clue.
I’m sorry about that. Here are some image pictures in attachments.
At first, i thoutht that maybe scatter events were terrible, so i chose True evnets for GATE .root file, and with option “-isrc xxxx” in GATERootToCastor excutable to get the source image of simu, there was not so bad as recons.
1.JPG : left ,Air phantom true events source image from GATE simulation; right : the CASToR recon image of it ;
2.JPG : left ,Water phantom true events source image from GATE simulation; right : the CASToR recon image of it;
3.JPG : left, Air phantom true events source image from GATE simulation ; right: Water phantom true events source image from GATE simulation
4.JPG : left, Air phantom Recon results, right: Water phantom Recon results,
Nothing really strange to me.
Seeing your image with the air phantom, I think that your reconstruction setup is fine.
So it looks like the effect of attenuation correction that is not applied during reconstruction.
Try to correct for it and see.