Dear castor users,
I am new to CASTOR.
I have a plan to reconstruct the simulated results from GATE v.8.2.
I complied CASTOR using CMAKE with defining option in CMakeLists.txt as below:
option( CASToR_64bits “Build CASToR on 64 bits architecture” YES )
option( CASToR_VERBOSE “Print lot of infos from CASToR” YES )
option( CASToR_DEBUG “Enable many additionnal checks in primitive functions” NO )
option( CASToR_BUILD_GATE_UTILITIES “Build GATE tools for CASToR (require ROOT library)” YES )
option( CASToR_BUILD_SAMPLE_UTILITIES “Build toolkits and example codes” NO )
option( CASToR_BUILD_DEVEL “Build devel tools. Must be left unchecked” NO )
option( CASToR_ROOT “Build CASToR with ROOT library” NO )
option( CASToR_SIMD “Build CASToR with SIMD OPTION” NO )
option( CASToR_OMP “Build CASToR with OMP” NO )
option( CASToR_MPI “Build CASToR with MPI” NO )
The cmake compilation was successful with below command in terminal
cmake CMakeLists.txt -DCASTOR_CONFIG=/home/gate/kkm/castor_v3.1.1/config
and with make command the castor-RootToCastor.exe in bin directory.
However, when I execute the castor-RootToCastor.exe as below I got the error massage.
castor-GATERootToCastor -i benchSPECT.root -o test -m benchSPECT_dew.mac -s SPECT_CASTOR_BENCHMARK.geom
***** castor-GATERootToCastor :: CASToR must be compiled with ROOT to read input root files (check installation instructions)
***** Exit function called. Abort with code 1.
I confirmed that root is executed normally as below.
[gate@localhost castor_v3.1.1]$ root