I have read the general documentation for thousands times about the utilities like dataConversion, I thought it’s necessary to install corresponding ROOT library to finish this, but the software version demonstrated in the .pdf is so old, there are so many unexpected problems exploding today, which is so annoying! Could someone tell me in detail and in patience how to convert the .cc files in .\toolkits to .exe files in win platform? I would appreciate it so greatly!
What would you like to do with these utilities ? The purposes of these two code samples are just to provide some templates for users who would like to start writing its own data conversion or scanner look-up-table tools using CASToR functions. The ROOT library was used in the conversion code only because it was originally accompanied with ROOT dataset generated with GATE, but unless you need to convert ROOT data it is not worth trying to compile the converter code, in particular in windows platforms.
I have some data collected clinically using some company’s PET/CT instrumentation, but I don’t know how to reconstruct them to an image, so I’m here to ask for help, wondering if I can use the CASToR toolkits to try some standard conventional reconstruction methods, like OSEM. However I got stuck in the first step–convert the data, so I’ m here
According to your words, the conversionData file can only convert the simulated data generated with GATE, right?
castor-datafileConversionEx does nothing by itself, it is just an example of c++ conversion code for one specific scanner using ROOT file format.
castor-GATERootToCastor is the actual tool to convert GATE data (using also ROOT format).
There is no “generic” toolkit to convert data from any system to CASToR as the data format varies greatly depending on the different types of scanners. Several converters are provided here for some specific systems: https://castor-project.org/converters.
Well, I get it. Thank you very much!