Hi All,
I installed CASToR version 2.1. I simulated Discovery 710 PET system in GATE with brain_phantom.h33 interfile and brain_phantom.i33 raw image. I stored the output in ROOT and used CASToR command to get the .Cdh file. I am trying to reconstruct the image but I am not getting the correct image. I used the following for castor-recon. I am attaching the files for reference. Could anyone please let me know what I am missing? I tried to open them with ImageJ (Import->Raw with parameters as 16 bit unsigned, 256 pixels, first image offset as 1, total no of images as 10, little endian byte order and use virtual stack).
castor-recon -df PET_phantom_voxel_df.Cdh -opti MLEM -it 10:16 -proj joseph -conv gaussian,4.,4.5,3.5::psf -dim 32,32,1 -dout PET_phantom_voxel_recon
16 images in the interfile. So, I have given 10 iterations of each image (subset)
interfile matrix is 32x32. So, I have given dimensions as 32x32x1
Also, could anyone please let me know if castor-recon can be used for obtaining images of the particle track from PET simulation with a cylinder phantom?
Thanks & Regards
PET_phantom_voxel_df.Cdh (205 Bytes)
brain_phantom.h33 (1.73 KB)
brain_phantom.i33 (32 KB)
PET_phantom_voxel_recon.zip (50.1 KB)
PET_phantom_voxel_df.Cdf (59.5 KB)