
Dear all,
I have a phantom but I could not get a good reconstructed image with castor.

Anyone can help me to get a good image with this phantom?

Also phantom is attached

And i used this code:

/gate/source/addSource voxel_brain voxel
/gate/source/voxel_brain/reader/insert image
/gate/source/voxel_brain/imageReader/translator/insert linear
/gate/source/voxel_brain/imageReader/linearTranslator/setScale 1000. Bq
#/gate/source/voxel_brain/imageReader/rangeTranslator/describe 1
/gate/source/voxel_brain/imageReader/readFile pet.dcm
/gate/source/voxel_brain/setPosition -34.5 -43.5 -21.5 mm

Hamid Nezampour

pet (1).dcm (506 KB)