Post-doc position at Nantes/Brest, France

Dear all,

A 2 year post-doc position with a salary depending on previous experience is available at at the University Hospital of Nantes (France) together with the LaTIM at Brest (France) on the development on dual-tracer PET imaging (pre-clinical and clinical). The candidate will have the opportunity to work on several exciting equipments including a simultaneous preclinical PET/MRI and/or PETCT, a Siemens Biograph PET/CT Vision 600 and/or a Siemens PET/MRI mMR (installed by the end of 2020).

You can apply by contacting directly the different persons mentioned in the attached document.

Feel free to forward this information to whom it may concern.

postdoc_proposal_nantes.pdf (865 KB)