Dear CASToR users and developers,
I have had difficulties generating the sensitivity images with CASToR. For my work I simulated a fixed DUAL panel Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) system in GATE considering a uniformly distributed 511 keV source within a cuboid shaped phantom filled with air.
The geometry and root files from GATE were used to generate the CASToR data/header files. The input data for reconstruction with CASToR are:
Image reconstruction was performed as follows (using CASToR´s sensitivity image):
castor-recon -vb 2 -df PEMPixVSAir60s_df.Cdh -dout PEMPixVSAir60sCASToRSens -it 4:8 -dim 24,174,174 -fov 60.0,174,174 -off 0.,0.,0. -opti MLEM -conv gaussian,1.5,1.5,1.5::post -proj joseph -th 2 -flip-out Y
However, the reconstructed image seems to have gaps:
However, when I provide an external sensitivity image generated with Monte Carlo simulation (bypassing the sensitivity image generation step in CASToR) the reconstructed image looks as I expected (without gaps). For that I used the following line of comand.
castor-recon -vb 2 -df PEMPixVSAir60s_df.Cdh -dout PEMPixVSAir60sLIBISens -sens NOrm.hdr -it 4:8 -dim 24,174,174 -fov 60.0,174,174 -off 0.,0.,0. -opti MLEM -conv gaussian,1.5,1.5,1.5::post -proj joseph -th 2 -flip-out Y
Where my sensitivity image is:
I would like to know if I am doing anything wrong while generating the sensitivity image with CASToR.
This step is essential for me, as I need to learn how to correct for attenuation with the -atn command, and as far as I understand, this implies that CASToR will use its own sensitivity image.
In the following link are the files used in the reconstruction in case someone needs them to recreate the process.
I thank you in advance for your attention
Dulce Valdivieso