Scatter & Random Rate Calculation, GATERootToCastor

Hi CASToR users,

I was hoping someone would be able to tell me how GATERootToCastor calculates the scatter and random coincidences from the ROOT files - I suppose randoms calculated from the ‘delayeds’ tree, but are scatters calculated using info from the ‘coincidences’ tree or the ‘hits’ tree? I’m trying to reduce the size of the written out file, so any information I could disable the recording of with no effect on these calculations would be advantageous.

Many thanks,

Dear George,

GATERootToCastor currently doesn’t estimate the scatter and random counts, but directly compute the rates (if the related options are enabled) from the coincidences metadata in the ROOT files. So there is no real estimation methods of these rates. Only the coincidence tree is currently used for data conversion, hence the hits are not required.

Best regards,

George Needham <> a écrit :