1st ETSI Hackathon at November 13-14th, 2023, Vancouver, Canada

Dear all,

The Emission Tomography Standardization Initiative (ETSI) is organizing its first hackathon in Vancouver, Canada, right after the IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, on November 13-14th.

The initiative goals are to define an open, extendable, standardized and vendor-agnostic description of nuclear medicine imaging (PET/SPECT) list-mode and associated raw data; define a standard for storage and transmission of that data; and develop a standardized description of software to access and manipulate the standardized data, as well as prototype software.

The purpose of this hackathon is to educate about this initiative and to contribute to the development of a first set of tools to demonstrate important basic use cases of the proposed format for the standardization of PET raw data.

Details about this hackathon can be found on ETSI’s website here : 1st ETSI Hackathon at November 13-14th, 2023, Vancouver, Canada (right after 2023 IEEE NSS/MIC) – Emission Tomography Standardization Initiative (ETSI)

If you may be interested in joining the effort, be sure to register on the ETSI’s website main page (https://etsinitiative.org/) so that you will receive all updates coming soon.

If you are sure that you want to participe, pre-registration details are providing on the website.
