1st ETSI hackathon: contributing to PETSIRF, a standard for PET raw data

Dear all

The Emission Tomography Standardization Initiative (ETSI), established end 2021, is working towards a standard for PET listmode and associated data, called PETSIRD. We have made somewhat slow but steady progress and are now organising a first hackathon to move the standard and associated software forward. This will be held in Vancouver, Canada after the IEEE MIC (Monday and Tuesday, 13-14 November). We will have a small but enthusiastic group of people covering various parts of the development. If you are interested in joining, please check out the ETSI website at [https://etsinitiative.org/] (https://etsinitiative.org/) (use the “Events” tab for information on the hackathon). We are also investigating the possibility for remote collaboration during the hackathon. Details will be added to the ETSI website in due course. We encourage you to subscribe to our announcement list via the website for future news on this hackathon and ETSI in general.

Thanks to sponsoring by the UKRI-funded Collaborative Computational Platform for Synergistic Reconstruction for Biomedical Imaging (CCP SyneRBI), the event will be free to attend. In addition, UK participants can apply for financial assistance (3 nights hotel, 50% travel) with more limited assistance for non-UK students and ECRs available. We are in the process of obtaining extra sponsoring. Please contact me, Nicolas Karakatsanis and/or Glenn Wells if you are able to help.

The hackathon will tackle various aspects of the standard, but I hope we will also be able to extend STIR to reconstruct data in this new file format, as well as use STIR to convert data from currently supported list mode data to PETSIRD.

On behalf of the ETSI committee

Kris Thielemans
Professor in Medical Imaging Physics at University College London,
Institute of Nuclear Medicine,
UCL Hospital Tower 5, 235 Euston Road, London NW1 2BU, UK