I was wondering what are this discourse rules about self-promoting software/code that are related to PET image analysis?
I decided to publish on github a python script that does resolvability analysis of “Hot Spot”-like phantom based on the proposal of Hallen et al. in [1]. So, it is not directly related to PET reconstruction (so not close from CASToR consideration) and I am in conflict of interest since I am one of the people that made the said software. Well, it supports partially CASToR image, at least!
Maxime Toussaint
[1] Hallen, P., Schug, D. & Schulz, V. “Comments on the NEMA NU 4-2008 Standard on Performance Measurement of Small Animal Positron Emission Tomographs.”, EJNMMI Phys. 7, 12 (2020).