Rule for self-promoting software/code


I was wondering what are this discourse rules about self-promoting software/code that are related to PET image analysis?

I decided to publish on github a python script that does resolvability analysis of “Hot Spot”-like phantom based on the proposal of Hallen et al. in [1]. So, it is not directly related to PET reconstruction (so not close from CASToR consideration) and I am in conflict of interest since I am one of the people that made the said software. Well, it supports partially CASToR image, at least!

Maxime Toussaint

[1] Hallen, P., Schug, D. & Schulz, V. “Comments on the NEMA NU 4-2008 Standard on Performance Measurement of Small Animal Positron Emission Tomographs.”, EJNMMI Phys. 7, 12 (2020).

Hello Maxime,
Even if it is not directly related to reconstruction, it is surely worth promoting any open-source software which can be useful for the users. We believe it deserves a category of its own, so here it is.
