Dear Castor users,
I am attempting to reconstruct a SPECT simulation performed using GATE. The output is a ROOT file, which I converted using the “castor-GATERootToCastor” function. The scanner was also built using the “castor-GATEMacToGeom” function. Initially, I was getting an error “Scanner radius <= 0”, so I changed the radius to the appropriate values manually on the scanner file.
The root file conversion is performed as follows:
castor-GATERootToCastor -i spect.root -o spect -m /home/vgate/Documents/Tese_rotated/mac/main_cyl.mac -s SPECT_PHILIPSBRIGHTVIEW2 -sp_bins 180,180
(the so_bins were chosen arbitrarily, because I don’t understand how to choose an adequate number for the pixel matrix)
And it gives me the following log:
“The simulated dataset contained 2035050 coincidences/singles, with:
1544770 trues (75.9082 ),
490280 scatters (24.0918 ),
0 randoms (0 ),
0 unknown (0 ).”
Which leads me to believe everything with my GATE simulation should be working properly. However, once I try to perform the image reconstruction, it is extremely fast (it is completed in ~1 min), and it is completely dark, I don’t see anything.
I am using reconstruction parameters similar to the provided Castor SPECT benchmark, and I was hoping to adjust them by trial and error and seeing which work the best, as follows:
“castor-recon -vb 2 -df spect_df.Cdh -fout spect_recon -oit -1 -it 2:8 -dim 105,73,90 -vox 4,4,4 -opti MLEM -proj incrementalSiddon -conv gaussian,11.,11.,3.::psf -th 0 -flip-out Y”
In all this process, does anyone have an idea how can I troubleshoot the reason why the reconstructed image is all black? Is there a very obvious mistake in my process I am clearly disregarding?
Sorry for the long post and thank you in advance for the help.
A very lost student,