Dear castor users,
Can I use the Gateroottocastor program in Castor to directly convert SPECT data simulated by GATE? I used Gatemactogeom to generate the parameters for the SPECT system, and then used the data conversion to convert the root data to Castor data. However, some of the generated parameters seem to be incorrect, such as the scanner radius. According to the Castor documentation, my understanding is that this parameter represents the distance from the rotation center to the collimator surface. However, the converted data shows the distance from the rotation center to the collimator center. I simulated a rod source, but the reconstructed image is not what I expected. Here are the command lines I used. Can someone help me identify where the problem might be? I would greatly appreciate any advice.
./castor-GATEMacToGeom -m testSPECTtest.mac -o newtestspect;
./castor-GATERootToCastor -i testSPECT.root -o newtestSPECT -m testSPECTtest.mac -s newtestspect -sp_bins 11,11;
./castor-recon -df newtestSPECT_df.Cdh -opti MLEM -it 30:1 -proj incrementalSiddon -conv gaussian,2.0,2.0,4::psf -dim 250,250,110 -fov 50,50,22 -off 0.,0.,0. -th 2 -oit -1 -fout test;