Dear Castor users and developers,
I’m trying to reconstruct the data coming from a scanner I simulated with gate (MyScanner.mac).
When I use the castor-GATEMacToGeom the conversion goes fine but I think there is something strange in the converted .geom file (Myscanner.geom):
- The .geom file generated by the utility contains the following lines
layers size depth : 12
layers size transaxial : 1.6
layers size axial : 1.6
I think that they should be like this:
crystals size depth : 12
crystals size trans : 1.6
crystals size axial : 1.6
- In the .mac file I provided you, the original rsector offset is 61.4 mm from the center of the FOV.
/gate/rsector/placement/setTranslation 61.4 mm
In the .geom file the scanner radius is reported as
scanner radius : 61.4
However, If I understood correctly, the scanner radius should be
61.4- crystals size depth/2.0.
I noticed that the utility doesn’t support the /control/alias statement of GATE is there any plan to implement it?
Minor thing:
When I run the GATERootToCastor utily
./castor-GATERootToCastor -i ~/prova_nick/PointSource_X0_Y0_Z0.root -m ~/MyScanner/MyScanner/example_castor.mac -o ./test-output -s MyScanner
I got this error
0 : /home/nick/MyScanner/MyScanner/example_castor.mac
1 : /home/nick/MyScanner/MyScanner//home/nick/MyScanner/MyScanner/MyScanner/MyScanner_geometry_castor.mac
2 : /home/nick/MyScanner/MyScanner//home/nick/MyScanner/MyScanner/MyScanner/NEMACubePhantom.mac
3 : /home/nick/MyScanner/MyScanner//home/nick/MyScanner/MyScanner/MyScanner/NEMACubeSource.mac
4 : /home/nick/MyScanner/MyScanner//home/nick/MyScanner/MyScanner/MyScanner/MyScanner_digitizer.mac
5 : /home/nick/MyScanner/MyScanner//home/nick/MyScanner/MyScanner/MyScanner/MyScanner_physics_castor.mac
***** GetGATESystemType() → Error : Couldn’t open mac file /home/nick/MyScanner/MyScanner//home/nick/MyScanner/MyScanner/MyScanner/MyScanner_geometry_castor.mac !
***** castor-GATERootToCastor :: GATE system type not found :
This script only supports conversion for cylindricalPET and ecat systems
The system type is recovered from the lines ‘/gate/systems/…’
***** Exit function called. Abort with code 1.
I think that this is due to the path of the file ~/MyScanner/MyScanner/example_castor.mac begin process in a wrong way.
Thank you for your support and best regards
Niccolo’ Camarlinghi