ERROR to find events

Dear CASToR users,

I’m trying to reconstruct a monolithic PET with 10 detectors off 50x50x10 mm3 and a point source of 148kBq. The following error occurred:

***** iScannerPET::GetPositionsAndOrientations() → Crystal index 1 (56221040) out of range [0:9] !
***** The following error message was issued by MPI instance 0
***** vProjector::Project() → A problem occurred while getting positions and orientations from scanner !
***** The following error message was issued by MPI instance 0
***** oProjectorManager::ComputeProjectionLine() → A problem occurred while forward projecting an event !
***** The following error message was issued by MPI instance 0
***** iIterativeAlgorithm::StepInnerLoopInsideSubsetLoop() → A problem occurred while computing the projection line !
***** The following error message was issued by MPI instance 0

Someone can help me with this?


The error says that the index of one of the detectors related to a data element (list-mode event or histogram bin) while reading your datafile is 56221040, whereas you have only 10 detectors, so the indices go from 0 to 9. For all the histogram bins or list-mode events, the indices of the related detectors should be comprised between 0 and 9, if I understand your scanner correctly.

Hope this helps
