ProcessPETEvent Error during Castor-GATERootToCastor

My macro is for a cylindricalPET geometry in GATE, and I am trying to use this executable to convert the root file into castor readable datafile. This is error log I am getting (I wanted to attach my macro file too, but somehow it’s not allowing me to upload it), I’d really appreciate any feedback or insight!

 CASToR output header datafile: tfp_001s.Cdh
 CASToR output binary datafile: tfp_001s.Cdf

***** ProcessPETEvent() :: Issue detected during the conversion!
***** detector ID larger than the max nb of detectors: 28
***** please email to the castor-users mailing list with this log and the mac file
***** rsectorID1:1
***** moduleID1:0
***** submoduleID1:2
***** crystalID1:29
***** layerID1:0
***** computed castorID:127
**** castor-GATERootToCastor :: Error when processing PET event !
***** Exit function called. Abort with code 1.


Did you solve your issue ? Which error do you get when you try to upload the macro ?
