Hi all,
I’m new to CASToR. First of all, thanks a lot for building this great tool and all the documentation!!!
It has been fairly straight forward getting to know to most basic features so far, but I run into the following issue trying to use GATERootToCastor:
I have a geometry.mac file that describes the GATE scanner geometry and I use a lot of variables there that I defined e.g. as follows:
/control/alias variabelX 35
I then later use these variables to define scanner features such as:
/gate/LSO/geometry/setXLength {variabelX} mm
That all works great if I just run the GATE simulation. However when I then try to use GATERootToCastor I get the following error:
***** gOptions::ConvertFromString() → Invalid argument exception while trying to convert ‘{variabelX}’ into double
***** dataConversionUtilities::CreateGeomWithCylindrical()-> Conversion error occurred while trying to parse line: /gate/LSO/geometry/setXLength {variabelX} mm
***** castor-GATERootToCastor :: An error occurred while trying to process mac file for cylindrical system: /home/vgate/Desktop/myPET/myPET_mac/geometry.mac
***** Exit function called. Abort with code 1.
Is there any workaround this problem other having to hard code the variables as numbers?
Thanks a lot for your help!