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다운로드 기간: 2022/03/23 ~ 2022/04/22
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Dear CASToR Users and Developers,
Hi I am Suhwan.
I’m having trouble doing TOF reconstruction. I checked the castor manual to make a ‘.Cdf’ file without using the ‘castor-GATERootToCastor’ command. (Table 3)
The non-tof image reconstruction performed well.
However, the image of Tof image reconstruction is strange.
I checked ‘Table 3’ to perform non-tof reconstruction and tof reconstructionf and proceeded with the following procedure.
[non-tof reconstruction]
I extracted ‘time’, ‘crystal ID1’, and ‘crystal ID2’ after GATE simulation to proceed with non-tof reconstruction.
Using Matlab, ‘time’, ‘crystal ID1’, and ‘crystal ID2’ were combined. And I changed them to ‘uint32’ type.
As shown in the picture below, the image of the Phantom came out well.
For tof reconstruction, ‘time’, ‘crystal ID1’, and ‘crystal ID2’ were extracted after GATE simulation. And to add TOF, the difference between ‘time1’ and ‘time2’ was calculated. ((time2 - time1)*1000000000000)
Using Matlab, ‘time’, ‘time2 - time1’, ‘crystal ID1’, and ‘crystal ID2’ were combined. And changed to ‘uint32’ type.
And the following text was added to the ‘.Cdh’ file. TOF information flag: 1 TOF resolution (ps): 168.7 List TOF measurement range (ps): 1999.99
4.Tof reconstruction image came out strange as below.
I don’t know what’s wrong.
I have one more question. Why are the corners of the image bright?
Any advice and suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
nonTOF.Cdh (186 Bytes)
nonTOF.hscan (606 Bytes)
TOF.Cdh (271 Bytes)
TOF.hscan (603 Bytes)