Dear CASToR developers and users,
I have a question about TOF reconstruction.
I set time resolution 350 (Sqrt(2)* 250 ps in GATE simulation for TOF resolution = 250 ps.
Then I convert root to castor using the following command:
./castor-GATERootToCastor -i /home/pc6/HSPH_CTW350ps.root -m /home/pc6/ PET_Brain.mac -o HSPHCTW350_tof -s BrainPet -geo -TOF_reso 250 -k
The .Cdh is :
Data filename: HSPHCTW350_tof_df.Cdf
Number of events: 35021062
Data mode: list-mode
Data type: PET
Start time (s): 0
Duration (s): 10000
Scanner name: BrainPet1st
Calibration factor: 1
Isotope: unknown
TOF information flag: 1
TOF resolution (ps): 250
List TOF measurement range (ps): 6500
Coincidence kind flag: 1
I reconstruct it with the following command:
./castor-recon -df HSPHCTW350_tof_df.Cdh -dout HoffRecon_CTW350_AC_Tof -atn mumap.hdr -opti MLEM -it 2:10 -th 0 -dim 240,240,184 -fov 268,268,199.4
Reconstructed images of Hoffman phantom with and without TOF resolution are attached.
Is TOF reconstruction applied correctly?
Any help is appreciated