CASToR release 2.0 available

Dear CASToR users,

We are pleased to announce that the version 2.0 of CASToR has now been released.
It is available on the CASToR website:

This version provides new features, including:
- PET Time-Of-Flight reconstructions (for both histogrammed and list-mode data).
- Flat panel CT reconstructions, using the dedicated MLTR algorithm or standard MLEM and Landweber algorithms.
- The distance-driven projector from De Man & Basu, compatible with PET and CT.

Also, the SPECT Monte Carlo SIMIND software version 6.1 ( now offers a program to convert SIMIND simulated data into CASToR data files. SIMIND simulated data can thus be reconstructed easily. Many thanks to Michael Ljungberg for this development.

Finally, a few words about future development and contributions from potential developers interested in participating in the enhancement of the CASToR platform:

Currently, the source code is publicly available for each released version, so that anyone can modify it for its own purpose.
In the future, we plan on operating an open GIT repository of the source code, so that anyone can contribute and benefit from the newest developments.
This will be done as soon as the next main version of CASToR including all dynamic aspects (motion management, parametric imaging, etc) is validated and released.
Meanwhile, if you have developed something for your own applications that you think someone can benefit from, do not hesitate to share it on the mailing-list.
And if you want your development to be considered for inclusion in a future CASToR version, please contact us directly ( and

Enjoy this new version and do not hesitate to send us your feedback on the mailing-list.

The CASToR collaboration