Dear CASToR developers & users,
I just started using CASToR very recently, so maybe my questions are ignorant.
I am simulating a PET system with GATE, consisting of two opposite modules on a cylindricalPET geometry. Now, I want to rotate the two modules during the acquisition, both continuous rotation as well as distinct rotation steps, and move them in z (or move the phantom along z).
I want to reconstruct the data using MLEM (either list-mode or histogram).
There will also be an experimental realisation of this setup, whose data I would like to reconstruct with CASToR.
In your 2.0 release notes, you already refer to a future release including dynamic aspects, incl motion management.
Does this comprise detector movement?
Obviously, I could also translate the detector movement into a phantom movement and static detectors, if this helps.
If yes, could you give a rough estimate when this release can be expected? Or would it be possible to get any non-released code (sth like a development branch)?
Or are there other possibilities already now, how to incorporate detector movement?
Ideally, I would like to give CASToR a tracking file which defines the position of the modules (or of each crystal) for different time stamps.
Best regards, and thanks for your support,
Dr. Milan Zvolsk****ý
Universität zu Lübeck
Institut für Medizintechnik
Tel +49 451 3101 5466
Bld. 64, 1st Floor, R. 24
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck