Hello everyone,
I have just installed CASToR and am trying to use it for the first time to understand how it works. However, I don’t really understand how I can use the benchmarks. I have downloaded the zip folders for the SPECT, but I don’t know how to run them.
I am sorry if this question seems too simple for most of you, but I am really struggling with the documentation.
If someone could explain it to me in an easy (and beginner-friendly) way I would really appreciate it.
Thank you for your time!
Hi Adriana,
To do your first reconstruction, you need to use the castor-recon executable. To be sure it works, you can type “castor-recon” in a terminal. It should print you the help of the executable, showing all the options you can use. If it works, then you need to add some options like SPECT sinogram data (-df), voxel size (-vox), dimension of output image (-dim), output directory to save the reconstructed images (-dout) etc.
To know which value to put for voxel size and dimension, you can have a look at the hdr file, which contains metadata of a reconstructed image by CASToR.
All of this should be explained in the “Getting started” section of the documentation.
Do not hesitate if you have other questions.
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Thank you so much! Your reply really helped to understand a little better how CASToR works.
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