SPECT benchmark error

Hello everyone,

I am just starting to use CASToR and in order to practice a little bit and understand how it works, I tried to insert every command listed in the “run_benchmark_spect_histogram_unix.sh”.

This is what I wrote on the command line:
“castor-recon -vb 2 -df benchmark_spect_histogram.cdh -atn benchmark_spect_histogram_mumap.hdr -fout benchmark_spect_histogram_challenger -oit -1 -it 4:15 -dim 128,128,86 -vox 3.3,3.3,3.
3 -opti MLEM -proj incrementalSiddon -conv gaussian,11.,11.,3.::psf -th 0 -flip-out Y”

This are the errors I got:
"***** ReadIntfHeader()-> Error : couldn’t find or read header interfile ‘benchmark_spect_histogram_mumap.hdr’ !

***** castor-recon() → An error occurred while trying to read the interfile header of attenuation file benchmark_spect_histogram_mumap.hdr !

***** Exit function called. Abort with code 1."

Did I do something wrong? Or is there a problem with the aforementioned files?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Hi Adriana,

Are you running the castor-recon command line in the good directory ? To be sure the command line finds your files, you could use absolute paths instead of relative paths. If you use relative paths, you must run the command line in the good directory.
I hope this will solve your error, your command line should work then.


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Once again, you were right and your suggestion worked!
Thank you so much :slightly_smiling_face:

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