I am testing CASToR performance on multi-thread running, but it looks like using the multi-thread function is not very stable.
Before applying multi-thread to recon, every job was good. But recon jobs always dumped with unrecognized problem since I used multi-thread as below:
*** Error in `castor-recon': munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000002259380 ***
Did anyone ever see this problem before?
Any answer will be highly appreciated! Thank you!
I already got strange results like that when I switch between different compilation. The reason was that sometimes I forgot to clean the compilation. Did you carefully use “make clean” command between each compilation ?
I have compiled two different Castor versions for multi-thread running and single core in separate directories, respectively. The multi-thread is running well now, but single core test had a problem when I move from a lower resolution configuration to a higher one like below,
First recon try:
castor-recon -df Brain_Double_df.Cdh -opti MLEM -it 10:16 -proj joseph -conv gaussian,4.,4.5,3.5::psf -dim 100,100,16 -vox 2.5,2.5,10. -oit -1 -dout Brain_Double
iIterativeAlgorithm::StepAfterSubsetLoop() -> Save image at iteration 10
vAlgorithm::IterateCPU() -> Total time spent | User: 3699 sec | CPU: 3.6990100e+03 sec
sChronoManager::Display() -> Results from the profiling
--> Custom update step 1: 00 hours 00 mins 00 secs 000 ms
Thanks for your data. I could reproduce your error and it seems it is linked to the Joseph projector. In particular, there is a hard-coded tolerance factor used to compute the planes which are crossed by the lines. Decreasing that factor seems to remove the crash in my tests.
So a quick fix may be to reduce that threshold (you can replace the src/projector/iProjectorJoseph.cc file by the one in attached, then recompile castor).
I am not sure yet whether the crash is limited to that factor. Let me know if it fixes the error for you.
Could you please share again your dataset (Brain_Double_df.Cdf and Brain_Double_df.Cdh). I want to check out my installed CASToR using Multi-thread.
Also, Could you please describe how to create this dataset. I assume that, you converted a dataset from a specific scanner (interfile) to CASToR interfile format. Thank you very much in advance.