Problem saving specific iterations

Dear Castor users,

I am working on CT reconstruction with Castor and I would like to save specific iterations outputs, and not all of them. I found on documentation the -oit option and when I use the -oit -1 , I get only the last output as expected. However, when I try to set specific pairs, this option doesn’t work as expected. For example, when I want to save two different pairs of iterations like -oit ‘1:4’,‘6:8’ , the second pair of iterations doesn’t get saved. Do you have any thoughts about this problem? Any help will be very useful. Many thanks in advance.


Dear Giorgos,

Actually, in the -oit option, the number before the colon specifies the step that you need, and not the iteration to start from. Also the number after the colon is the final iteration to be considered. So in your example, 1:4 means that CASToR will save iteration 1, 2, 3, 4. Then, 6:8 means that starting from next iteration (here iteration 5), CASToR will save each iteration with a step of 6, until reaching iteration 8. So in this specific case, no iteration will be saved.


Dear Alexandre,

Thank you so much for your explanation! Now it makes sense and I can see the expected iterations being saved! Many thanks again for your time and help!
