I am Federica a medical physicist. I am using simind for simulations but I am having problems with image reconstruction. For example, if I do the reconstruction of the Jaszac phantom (file jaszac_leo_salida.h00, already in simid directory) with the following short-cut:
smc2castor jaszac_leo_salida.h00 outpu3 jaszac_leo_salida.a00/en:10/su:10/MB:3/at:15/run
when I open the output (file name outpu3.hdr) with the NucMed
ImageJ plugin I get a single axial image in black and white, without any significance!
Can anyone help me? Why do I only get one black and white image?
I would have expected the different axial images for the entire volume of the phantom.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Hi Federica
Can you send me *a00, *.h00 and the res file so I can reproduce your reconstruction?
Hälsningar / Best regards
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Thank you very much for your help.
I tried to do other simind simulations but without success.
I send you (using WeTransfer) my new simind simulation results (example, the file risultato_13122022_sy.h00 and risultato_13122022_sy.a00 ).
If you open with the image-j Nuc Med plugin ‘risultato_13122022_sy.h00’ you will see the SPECT images (simind results).
The prompt command to reconstruct with castor was:
smc2castor risultato_13122022_sy.h00 lehr_i123_recon risultato_13122022_sy.a00/it:10/su:10/MB:3/AC/run
I send to you also my castor results: lehr_i123_recon_it10.hdr
Thank you very much for your help.
Link WeTransfer: