Error castor reconstruction SIMIND

Dear Dr, Please help me…

I was run this code to recon my images,

C:\simind>smc2castor mdp_ect1.h00 ect/run

But I got the Error below:

C:\simind>castor-recon -df mdp_ect1.cdh -fout ect -it 2:8 -oit 2:2 -dim 128,128,128 -vox 3.15,3.15,3.15 -conf C:\Users\USER\Downloads\castor_v3.0.1\castor_v3.0.1\config -vb 1 -opti MLEM -proj classicSiddon -flip-out Y
‘castor-recon’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


This is not a problem related to castor nor simind but to the use of a computer. You should try finding solutions in the internet before posting to this forum.

Here are the results of Google where I just typed the error message you got, you will find solutions to your problem.…69i57j0i512.634j0j7&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
