About using imageJ to open images in 'img' format

Dear castor users,
I want to use imageJ to open my reconstructed image in img format, of course it has a header file in hdr format, I have installed the nucmed plugin, but I still can’t open the image, does anyone know why?

When I select the image and click Open, the following screen will appear:

And if I want to do Gaussian fitting on a reconstructed image of a resolution model, how can I read the raw data from an image in IMG format? I tried using MATLAB to read, but MATLAB cannot open files in IMG format. If anyone can give me some advice, I would really appreciate it.

I believe there are different NucMed plugins, did you install the one which is provided in the castor-project website ?

Anyway the .img file is the image in raw format. You can open it with imageJ (File/Import/Raw). Image type is 32-bit Real. The dimension of your image are provided in the .hdr (!matrix size tags). You may have to change the endianness setting as well.

Hope this helps,

Thank you very much for your reply, I am using the nucmed plugin given by the castor website, but I still can’t open the image. I think there was a problem with the installation of the plugin, I’ll go and try again.

Hello! I had the same exact problem and followed the same steps as you did. Did you manage to figure it out?
Thank you!


I have a similar problem while using online version of imageJ (ImageJ.JS) to open the reconstructed .img images. I have followed the setting provided by tmerlin. Although the image can be opened, there is nothing visible inside. Can anyone provide assistance to solve this issue?
Thank you very much.

You can this coding SIMIND Monte Carlo: open .int file jaszak phantom - File Exchange - MATLAB Central

Thank you very much for sharing the code. Additionally, I have found that I can use imageJ by adjusting “little-endian byte order” setting.